AIDER’s associates are experienced practitioners in identifying opportunities on productivity in departmental and organisational management and restructuring. AIDER will support your department with the following areas:

  • How to implement an effective change within the department;
  • How to integrate individual’s expertise into the overall departmental productivity;
  • Develop the skills of senior management team and direct them towards achieving and exploiting results that will benefit the department/organisation;
  • To enable the management to possess knowledge required to execute performance reviews and set targets decisively.

AIDER understands the impact that change has on the organisational dynamics. Therefore, we consider it to be imperative that all staff are given an opportunity to be exposed to skill development and that there exists a mutual understanding and commitment between staff in order to empower everyone to participate in skills development procedures that commensurate with the skills needed to perform their tasks accordingly. AIDER provides skills development training that eases transitional changes to benefit both the individual and the entire department.

AIDER will support you with establishing a robust but user friendly human resources system that can successfully conduct planning, recruitment, staff retention and transfers, accounts management and remunerations payment procedures, performance improvement, staff probation, remedial conflicts and be sophisticated to carryout reviews, renews and terminations of both staff and clients’ contracts.

The senior management team will be trained by AIDER’s experts on risk assessment and how to manage risk by developing some robust strategic plans on mitigating potential risks. This strategy will combat the risk of failure of staff to achieve their expected outcomes, however, it will go further to implement mechanisms that will address the failures of staff to take advantages of opportunities before they are missed.

Part of the training process that AIDER offers will guide your department through the formulation of a tangible strategy plan. During which a clear action plan will be identified and agreed, in addition this will address any potential risk factors highlighted during the risk assessment procedures that adversely impact on the department or organisational functionality and effectiveness. For example; this could be resilience from staff to adapt to new changes or staff could feel threatened due to the lack confidence and ability to conduct their roles within the new management structure which maybe attributed to; fear, anger, ambivalence, enthusiasm, psychological and/or cultural perspectives. These potential obstacles to change are explored during the training sessions.